Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Our trip to the shopping center!!!

Last Monday we took our niece and nephew, Mariah and Cassiano, to visit Santa Claus at the shopping center. They are only 18 months old, and they were really afraid of Santa! With them we are practicing to be parents! Check out the pictures! :)

Cassiano is not happy about it! He is not understanding anything! ;)

Mariah couldn't stay at Santa's lap, she needed to call her mommy Carlota to take the picture!

We also couldn't resist, as we don't have any pictures with Santa when we were kids!

Mariah was terrified by Santa! These mothers like to obligate the kids to take pictures!

Cassiano also needed his mommy PatrĂ­cia to take the picture, he also cries whe he sees Santa!

He didn't last 10 seconds on Santa's lap! He's thinking "Get me away from this crazy guy!"
Now you know a little bit more about our Brazilian family, these two little kids are very special for us! We want to be there for them, and be an influence and example for them to follow Jesus! They mean hope for us! We imagine that they can do great things and make a difference in the lives of people who and will surround them!
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these". (Mark 10:14)

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