Monday, August 18, 2008

Tholl Circus

Sometimes I take a weekend off and visit my sister and my niece in the country, this last weekend we went to the circus. Isn't my niece really cute? This group started about 15 years ago with very poor kids, some of them didn't even have money to take the bus to go trainning, some were even living on the street. So the director of the show invested on their talent against all odds and difficulties. Now they're pretty famous all over Brasil, their show is kind of expensive, however. They are fully booked until the end of December, they even have a contract with a channel TV. This is an example that everything is possible if we have iniciative, and work hard for our goals.

Here is a link to some of their video presentation on You tube, I hope you enjoy it:

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Teaching the Bible!

This is our bible study group. These girls are friends of my sister PatrĂ­cia. I met them at my nephew birthday party (which is in this blog below). Then I had the idea of inviting them to study the bible with Matt and I. As I have always wanted my sister to go to the church and she had always refused to, I decided to get to her through her friends, and amazingly they accepted the invitation and PatrĂ­cia feels comfortable among them! BINGO! :)
Now, we meet every Saturday, we have a cake or cookies and have a nice time! I wanted to reach my sister, and God gave us 4 more girls. We gave bibles for everyone, they didn't even have a bible, we are teaching from the beginning. Please pray for this ministry. If we can reach at least one of them, it is already a great victory, although it has a great possibility to become a new house church!